problem areas


a late night show that died before people declared late night dead.


wyatt cenac’s problem areas aired for two seasons on hbo, spending each entire season looking at one issue like policing or education. part late night comedy show and part docuseries, the idea was to learn how different cities tried reform those systems into something that could better serve them.


according to journalists and television critics, the show was “ahead of its time,” “pointedly funny,” “vital hbo viewing” and “a mixed bag.”


Despite all of that, the network cancelled the show

Throwing it out like a mixed bag of recycling.


All episodes of Problem Areas are available on HBO Max and on YouTube.


a few episodes and segments are online for free, but the rest you’ll have to pay for because we all know that’s why people get an HBO subscription. for the quasi-educational comedy programming. not the cgi dragons and dragon related nudity.